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Nutrition In India, A Literary Review, 2021

India produces more than enough calories to feed a third of humanity, yet vast swathes of her population are malnourished. We are bringing together the best academic minds around the globe to address this topic and establish a role model for the entire developing world. This literature review is part of the Aahar Kranti being sponsored by Vijnan Bharati, GIST, and various agencies of the Government of India including The Council of Scientific and Industrial Research and Indian Council of Agricultural Research.

The proposed literature review is meant to address the following topics, but does not have to be limited to them:

  • Current nutritional practices in India including challenges and opportunities
  • Relationship between nutritionally balanced diet and metrics related to health, longevity and cognitive development
  • Studies on impact of nutritionally balanced diet on students and society
  • Agricultural, societal and educational interventions for improving nutritional practices in India
  • Role of fruits and vegetables in a nutritionally balanced diet
  • Studies on importance and opportunity of using local flora for nutritionally balanced diet
  • Relationship between socioeconomic category and nutrition
  • Use of AI and other advanced technologies to improve nutritional practices 


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